Sunday, January 13, 2008

Patience is Love

Recently I went on my first date in a long time. As I was getting to know the guy, I asked him a question about his relationship with his mother. Believing what was told to me as a young girl, that the kind of relationship a man has with his mother will tell you a lot about him. So he told me that their relationship has gotten better. He doesn't think his mom was ready for kids. I asked why he thinks this and he responded because whenever he asks her to show him how she prepared a meal or the ingredients she uses her patience is short. To him patience is an act of love.

For whatever reason this stayed with me. Having patience with someone is a sign of love. After all, the Bible says, "Love suffers long and is kind." I don't think this guy and me have a future together but he did reaffirm for me what patience is. Especially when dealing with clients, family, friends and strangers. If I love it will manifest itself as patience, kindness, gentleness, compassion and understanding.

I am in a new season of my life where I am open to having a guy in my life. The process of meeting a guy and getting to know him is a little unnerving. But patience is screaming for me to take it slowly and walk through it prayfully. Not to get ahead of the Spirit but let the Spirit be ahead of me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year declaration

For this 2008 year, it is my desire to love deeply and without conditions. It is my desire to do more to impact positive change. It is my desire to become more intimate with God. It is my desire to press forward without the restraints of fear. It is my desire to be true to me and you.